Punjab Wants to Change How It Hires New Teachers

Punjab Wants to Change How It Hires New Teachers

The Punjab Higher Education Department has a new idea for hiring teachers in colleges and universities. They want to stop using the Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) to hire full-time teachers. Instead, they want to hire more visiting teachers.

Visiting teachers are different from full-time teachers. They work on short-term contracts and cost less money. The government thinks this could save them money in the long run.

Right now, there are many empty teaching jobs in Punjab’s colleges. The government hopes that hiring visiting teachers will help fill these jobs faster.

The Punjab government still needs to approve this idea. If they say yes, it could change how teachers are hired in Punjab’s colleges and universities.

Some people like this idea because it could save money and be more flexible. Others worry that it might not be good for teachers or students in the long term.

The Higher Education Department hopes the government will approve their plan. They think it will be better for both schools and teachers.

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